e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
2020 VISION album now complete

So, it’s all in motion now. That odd period for an artist between being consumed with writing an album, then having to wait endlessly until it’s out and you get to hear it. You’re supposed to ‘shut up’ at this point and get on with preparing for concerts to play the material, but I’m still on the high of having worked my ears to the bone (if that’s possible) to the point of ear-blindness, a well-known ailment of the self-mixing musician.
Anyway, its done, and its a new chapter in what that Sieben-sound truly is. I know Kev has mightily improved the oomph of those beats, and the fastness of the bass sound. But he also appears on the album in conversation with me. and then it gets more bizarre.
Release in Sept 2020 – but if you’re signed up here, or coming to my live DVD recording concerts announced earlier today, then you’ll get the chance to have it a lot sooner than that, as you are my faithful flock. I’m also toying with the idea of several layers of tiered release, for instance; just the CD (with government information sheet on how to poke your own eyes out, and with cut-out 3D specs with no lenses, of course) or CD and limited edition lathe-cut vinyl single; 2 x 10″ clear, lathe-cut vinyl; Sieben leather violin bag etc – We shall see…
The track listing for the album is as follows:
1 We’re All Fucked’ Kev / 2 Enzosonbenzos / 3 Reckoning Beckoning / 4 Death Tape Updated For 2020 / 5 Shirt Of The Apocalypse / 6 Berylsinperil / 7 Vision / 8 The Darkness You Have Drawn / 9 You, My Cult Of Blight / 10 Come And Ride In The Cult Of Light / (bonus track) 11 Can’t Get You

And here’s a sneak preview of the not quite finished cover for the album:
Hope to see many of you on the road in the next few months, zombieCoronaVirusApocalypse-not withstanding. Or at my Live DVD recordings in June. The tickets for are now in my shop and for sale! If you’re coming from further afield and want help with accommodation, getting to Sheffield from airport, or good food and drink in Sheffield then just email me and I will help 🙂
I’m planning on doing two sets on each of the two nights, so covering material pretty much from the dawn-of-time Sieben to Apocalyptic-end Sieben and albums in between. Only 70 spaces per night, these will be special and bespoke evenings 🙂
Matt – March 2020