All things Kev

So, as you may have heard me ‘banging on about’ on social media, and in person, I have a new violin. He’s called Kev. Rest assured my original violin and I have been through significant counselling, and many honest talks. 1,700 gigs under my belt with only ever my original acoustic violin, so its a bit of a change. Especially as Kev also has five strings, is made of Kevlar, and I’ve changed my looper to accommodate some other changes. Gulp. Pleased to report that I’m over the moon with Kev, who I bought from his lovely makers Bridge Violins, in Sleaford, Lincs. They were very happy to tweak Kev to my bespoke wishes, which turned out to be keeping it exactly as they had designed it.

It all sounds much more like it does in my head, when looped and layered, now. I am so excited about getting out there live with Kev, and capturing all the new sounds I can create with new songs, on the next album. Already planning that in my head, but holding off until I have the looper and new violin sound sorted live. It seems I can remember more songs, for live, and perform more per show with the new set up, which is also a bonus.

Secret and not-so-secret gigs have already taken place in Sheffield and The Lakes, and next up is Lobau (DE), Lisbon (PT) and Bonn (DE), to show off Kev and my new groovy sound! Last up in the year is my “Kev’s First Christmas” (Sieben Secret Santa yearly show) to round off the year. I play two sets, I give you crap presents, I host it like a cheap gameshow host on speed. What’s not to like? Tickets on sale for that shortly from my shop 🙂

Matt – October 2019