e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp

Crumbs indeed. Been a while since I posted. Lots of lovely gigs so far this year, and a first time gig in Hungary, which was damn fine.
I’ve been busy working on a new Sieben album, which will be Redroom 020. Not to be released for a while yet, though, I still need to write it. Taking my time with this, whilst working my ears off endlessly. The attached snippet is from the title track of this album, which will be called Crumbs From The Rich Man’s Table. It features beautiful and sassy vocals from Sheffield’s own Zowie Lumsdale, singer with The Vain Dolls. She did it all, amazingly, in ten minutes too, leaving us loads more time to eat chicken. Playing a cave tonight, but you can see me guesting with The Cuckoo Clocks, a truly fabulous band and a pleasure to join their ‘gang’ online, tomorrow (Sat 30 Sept) at 10pm BST, here.
Off to my cave. Hope you enjoy the teaser for the new album 🙂
Matt Howden – September 2017