First livestream of Sieben Online

Tomorrow sees the first of my Sieben Online concerts, my Sieben Solstice Special. First time via Bandcamp, which offers much better audio quality streaming, and hopefully an even more stable platform, plus chat, merch table etc). I can’t wait! Tickets available here.

This one is ticketed (for the first time), as I’d like to see if I can do this ‘out in the field’ at concerts such as my Dorothy Pax Christmas Special, which will require employing someone else to do that end of it. If you’re struggling financially but would really like to come, email me – I have a limited number of ‘guest list’ places available, which I’ll happliy add you to. I’ll still be doing free Facebook livestreams from time to time over the summer, just so you know.

This concert will be available as a live album (via Bandcamp exclusively) the day after, too – once I’ve got up and mix-masterered it 😉

And as you may have seen the LOCKDOWN SIEBEN boxset has arrived, been released, and even arrived at some world-wide destinations already! Brilliant to see 🙂 Available now, exclusively from my site 🙂
Matt – June 2021