e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
Lockdown All-go!

In this week’s compact-as-I-can-possibly-be news, I have t shirts:
Fabulous designs by Martin Bedford.
2 designs (Kev or LS), 3 styles (Male, Female, Female V neck) 4 colour choices (black, dark heather, navy blue, red).
I’ll be ordering them soon, so order one while you can!
LOCKDOWN SIEBEN VOLUME 3 is now released, and on my Bandcamp, along with VOLUMES 1 and 2. they are all ‘pay what you like’. There will be A TEN CD BOXSET, with 8 volumes each with nine songs, as per the concert sets, and a double extended loopy Sieben Summer or Winter Solstice set over the last two disks.
I’m online each Friday at 8pm. And loving the vibe, and the fact that all the ‘pockets’ of my existence can finally all come together and meet – brilliantly lovely 😀 This Friday will be a short and (not so) sweet 45 minutes for Blackpool Music Festival, raising money and doing great work for the homeless. It’s free to watch, of course, and I’ll be posting the link when I have it 🙂 And I’m delighted to be on the same bill as Wonk Unit who I’ve seen many times and love to bits!
On Saturday I will be doing a private concert for the wondrous folk of Celebrata Hindrheimr in Norway. I was live in person there last year, and had a lot of fun, so very happy to be beaming through the airwaves to them this year. I will save the video from this and add it to my Youtube, where all things LOCKDOWN SIEBEN go to rest 😉
Thanks all, for the lovely concerts and vibes, the merch orders and indeed the merch ideas.
For the support, and for caring. It’s very much appreciated 🙂
Matt – June 2020