LS4 and a real-world thing or two

LOCKDOWN SIEBEN VOLUME 4 released today. I’ll be playing the same songs (and always a little extra) tonight at my usual time and place, online 😉

For those of you local to me, I have an open-air, secret location concert in Sheffield this Sunday. Going to be odd to have to unplug my stuff to do a gig out in the real world! You may all have to hold up large emojis and comments on cardboard signs to make me feel at home. Or maybe I’ll get used to clapping again 😉 It’s a tenner for each day, happening Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th, with bands on at 5, 6 and 7pm. I play Sunday at 6pm. In socks, probably 😉
They’re keeping it quiet, the people who are organising this concert. It’s strictly word of mouth, and booking people in on tables, served at distanced tables, buy by their app etc, so all as responsible as they can be. Just thought I’d let you know. Contact me for the link to the venue, and the password to give you access if you wish to come along 🙂 Line up is as follows:

  • Saturday: Jim & Mick, Banjo Jen, 20 Foot Squid Blues Band
  • Sunday: Rhiannon Scutt, Sieben, Fargo Railroad Co.

And a trip to the wonderful world of Barry (he of Barry The Astonishing) may be in the offing, with a gig at Fell Foot Wood, Cumbria in September. I would have been playing Erbenfestpiele for Goethes Erben on this date, but this has been postponed until 2021, for me at least, due to possible pandemic travel restrictions. Hopefully all will be well for the whole tour in 2021. This Cumbrian date, and Sheffield on Sunday may form two of the three actual live gigs I play this year, the first being a little gig we put on just before lockdown to celebrate my wife and I’s birthdays. I shall continue to offer divertissement on a Friday evening at 8pm, each week 🙂  

Matt – July 2020