Sieben in Vienna, Austria


Local-Bar, Heiligenstädter Straße 31, Bogen 217, 1190 Wien, Austria


Vanitas and Rites presents Sieben live in Vienna

Doors: 8.00pm

Concert: starts 9.00-9:30pm

Admission: € 14,00 at the door

Vanitas party: starts afterwards 11:00-11:30pm (DJs tba) – admission party only € 5,00

Einlass: 20:00

Konzertbeginn: zwischen 21h und 21:30h

Eintritt Abendkassa: € 14,00

Vantias party danach beginnt 23h-23:30h (DJs tba)

Eintritt Vanitas (ohne Konzert) € 5,00

It will be lovely to be back once more in Vienna for a concert. This time its at a venue new to me, , which I hear is very nice. Always a pleasure to be back, and already contemplating some good food and a catch up with good friends.