e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp

Hi all 🙂 Well, what started as a quick online video of a couple of Sieben songs has swelled slightly!
LOCKDOWN SIEBEN now sees a LIVE ONLINE CONCERT each Friday, 8PM GMT, from Sieben Central (my home studio), and is evolving into something of a soap opera, featuring The Upstairs Hoover, George the cat, Kev, and Amber’s antics. (coming soon- Garden Cam featuring my first remote-but-in-person audience member). Catch it on my SIEBEN Facebook LIVE tab.
LOCKDOWN SIEBEN VIDEOS can be seen on my VIDEO tab, or on my YOUTUBE channel. There are currently 19 – 14 individual videos of songs, and the five live concerts that have taken place under Lockdown.
LOCKDOWN SIEBEN VOLUMES 1-7 are now underway; LIVE ALBUMS, with sets matching the live concerts. They’re live and raw, and possibly the best versions of the songs I’ve ever produced. Who’d have thought just plugging in and playing would sound best? Doh. That’s twenty five years and thousands of hours of studio time put to shame in the space of seven weeks. Hey ho, couldn’t have got here without them, though 😉 They’re all initially on my Sieben BANDCAMP, but will go on to iTunes etc shortly. But they’ll always be ‘pay what you like’ on my Bandcamp. So do, even if that’s just downloading it for free. Times are hard in many cases, and my aim is to entertain you, and myself, during lockdown and beyond. This isn’t going away for a while yet, and neither am I 😉 This may eventually go to a 7 CD boxset, as some of you asked for that. Just the small matter of getting 2020 VISION on CD before that, and getting enough sold to make it possible 😉 But your generosity with merch purchases post-concert have been incredibly heart-warming (and useful!), with people using the LS albums as a tip jar, a concert ticket, or paying even more than an album would cost- all most generous, and very much appreciated.
VOLUME 1 IS OUT NOW! VOLUME 2 releases this Friday: https://sieben.bandcamp.com/
So, feel free to download my LS VOLUMES, and I hope to see you at my online concerts on Friday. This week the set is chosen by you- there’s a poll on the fb event page, so feel free to chip and hear the songs you’d most like to hear 🙂
Keep well, all,
Matt – June 2020