e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp

How amazing to be touring again- and what a great tour of Germany that was!
My immeasurable heart-felt thank you to Goethes Erben, Oswald Henke, and Dryland Records for their incredible work putting the X-Tour together. So lovely to be out playing once more, and even more so to meet some of (and see the meetings of) many from the LOCKDOWN SIEBEN facebook group ? And merch sales meant that 2020 VISION and LOCKDOWN THE COVERS CDs have both now broken even – and Crumbs is one sale away from break-even! ?
This Saturday, 16th October I’m in Bilbao, Spain, as part of the Mareak Jaialdia festival – can’t wait to be playing this!
SIEBEN ONLINE 06 comes live-broadcasting at you Friday 8pm, Oct 22nd via my SIEBEN page on Facebook – no login required, and a free, online concert direct from my studio
After that I have a Sheffield gig! Friday 29th October at The Church House, with the wonderful Hungarian Lanterns.
I’m guessing that will be it for the year with real-world concerts, up until my SIEBEN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL
How amazing a touch of normal feels ?
Matt – Oct 2021