e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
Winter Solstice Special Live Album

My Winter Solstice Special Live (digital) Album is now on sale exclusively from my Bandcamp 🙂 You can watch the concert in its entirety on my Youtube Channel.
Must admit there was an extra tension in the air 😉 Not least because I was conscious that my weekly fun moments of ‘nope, no sodding clue how that bit goes’ wouldn’t translate too well to a full-blown two-hour culmination of a year’s work’ album. It’s pretty ‘chunky’ anyway, and Kev caps it off with his own hymn. Then there are a couple of virtual encores. Plus, all the usual inane and bizarre chat, without all the dim pauses and bending down to tweak the looper 😉
Thanks all, for your immense support throughout LOCKDOWN SIEBEN.
I’m straight back on it in the New Year, with Concert 38 – Hello Mellow 21? Friday at 8 on my Sieben Facebook LIVE page, each week until you’ve had enough, or we’re allowed to do it in real-life again 😉
Matt – 22nd Dec 2020