e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
Gig, gig, gig

Hi all- gigs announced in my concerts section – there’s a free facebook one, a Bandcamp ticketed one, and an in-the-flesh one in Sheffield!
July’s is a Friday at 8, Facebook online concert – SIEBEN ONLINE 2 Sprechen You Sieben. And August’s Bandcamp SIEBEN ONLINE 3 livestream sees Kev trying to teach me how to play Neo-folk…
Other than that, there’s my new LOCKDOWN SIEBEN BOXSET- get it while it’s hot!! So happy to see so many arrive safe with you all, and for those who haven’t had it yet, hang on in there – we’re only just getting near the date I estimated they’d arrive with you. Fingers crossed for yours coming soon!
I’ll be adding the event pages and links for these concerts shortly, on Bandcamp and Facebook. Thanks as always to the fabulous Martin Bedford for his incredible poster art for these 3 events.
See you online – Or at the Sheffield gig if you’re local 🙂
Matt – July 2021