e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
May 2022

I had a fantastic time and concert in Zwickau at Club Seilerstrasse – my thanks to all there, Florian, for the gracious hosting, along with the rest of the club crew, who are fabulous- and all you lovely people who came and supported ?

Thank you all so much for the gifts, and the great time. It was my first concert with new RC600 looper, and a great new era of improved overall volume possible in a live setting, and less clicky-clicking, generally! Apologies to those of you who I bored senseless with the intricacies of aforementioned looper ?
Next time I’m in Zwickau I’ve asked if I can also play a small and intimate concert in Kevin brewery – Kev has demanded I do so! What a beautiful, bespoke, DIY brewery and bar that is – right next to the club, and a perfect place for some Crumbs material, I reckon ?
I’m live online this Friday- again, trying out some of the new album tracks for you, but also delving into some older material with new looper sound. Of course I’ll be playing you a couple of about-ready mixes at the end, too.
I’ll also be starting on recording the ‘live’ album in the next livestreams – Ten Hymns for Modern Times will be a double CD- live and studio versions, so you have them both ‘styles’. I’m aiming for a September release, but of course, you’ll hear about it here, first.
I’ve also taken a couple more bookings for Germany and Portugal, but have to wait until they release info to tell you about them. But I’ve told you that ? Next up is online, this Friday (The Kev With the Dragon Tattoo), Sheffield, and then onwards to Barry The Astonishing’s! See you there, somewhere ?
Matt Howden – May 2022