e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
Rippy Ripperton and a monster hint…
MATT: He answers to no name; though was given Monty by the cat shelter. But he loves a good rip at things!
MATT: And a monster Rippy Ripperton hint about tomorrow’s ‘drop’ for all patrons tomorrow. I’m pretty damn excited about single 3, definitely the most catchy goth-single I’ve ever written! You’re getting it 3 weeks early, but those DJS among you are welcome to give it airplay as soon as you wish, should you wish 🙂
KEV: And the rest of you lot gather your friends round your ghetto blaster and play it them continuously until they become patrons!
Matt: Yea, whatever, Kev…
KEV: It’s got ‘legs’ (unlike me) to propel me to proper stardom and 53 patrons 😉
MATT: I’m intrigued by what you’ll all make of it 🙂
KEV: Yeah, whatever