e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
Secret Garden Festival 2
I started these home festivals post-lockdown. Bringing together the lovely people, many who’d only met online, into a fab space with pristine sound. These concerts aim to give both audience and artist as near-perfect conditions as I possibly can. Relaxed, thoroughly planned, homely, hospitable. They’re meant for everyone, though space is limited, and I will always stream each festival’s Friday, free for all. And grab it as audio and video content that I tweak and give to each artist for them to use.
I’m also aiming to bolster my Patreon, of course – patrons make these events possible. They get advance notice, first refusal and priority, and my grateful thanks. With patrons on the list, each artist and myself invite enough to fill a bespoke experience for 40. Music and audience curated 😉 And how well we picked – you fabulous creators and crafters, you proper supporters of what is real in music and coming together.
Thank you, thank you Jo Quail, Isis Moray, Mark Villholm. My amazing wife for her tireless effort and support. Alan, for his tireless effort and thought. Patrons, who make this possible. Amazing attendees and those tuning in. Monty – though he didn’t really ‘put his back into it’ on the Saturday.
This screengrab goes some way to showing what this was all about.
PS: DARKEST ENGLISH SUMMER event, 16/17 Aug – including the Brand New Dark Age album launch.