e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
Tweak of Patreon benefits ;)
I thought I’d tweak and add to the benefits you get on here – I’ve made it so ALL patrons get all 10 BNDA singles – I don’t like giving people half-things!
SIEBEN tier patrons still get the B Sides too; and KEV tiers and up also get the Bandcamp release. And everyone gets them before they go public.
I’ve added a new benefit – physical merch for patrons. I can’t see myself doing much more in the way of big, physical general releases any more. I concede. Instead I’ll be focusing on bespoke, short-run releases exclusively for you peeps 🙂
BRAND NEW DARK AGE CD (all the singles) may well be a run of 100, with simple, bespoke packaging, in the end.
And I’m working my way through KEV tier patrons, making videos dedicated to each of you. The next single, which you’ll get very soon, is My Tribe, and its video is dedicated to Kerstin & Daniel. The third single’s video will will be dedicated to Sara Jackson.
Oof, I’m ‘ahead of the game’ but I really need to be- lots of gigs in the UK, PL and DE, and very special garden concerts loom near! All flights booked, all set lists planned up to August 😀
And all will be revealed re the pic 😉