e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
We all need a good plunder now and then…

The Kickstart vinyl has now sold out. Thanks to all those of you who ordered. I’ve emailed most of you with your digital codes, just got the last few orders to do that on. And bags are being filled, with Empire seeds (grow your own Empire! What could go wrong?), and swarf, ready to send out with the vinyl when I get them back from the Sheffield sweat-shop 😉
The digital EP is now available for pre-order, release 27 June 2019.
Some last tickets left for the launch concert for Kickstart The Empire! here. A one-off to see me with the band that recorded the Kickstart band versions. And a one-off to see me with a band, at all 😉
Also announced on my concerts page are gigs in Louth, in Manchester, and Bonn (DE) later in the year. Looking forward to playing those 🙂