e-mail: matt@matthowden.com | Bandcamp
Get 7JK’s Ride The Solar Tide NOW (as you’re on my mailing list)

Hello š
As per usual I’ll be offering those of you on my mailing list Ride The Solar Tide, six weeks early of its official release date of 3 Nov 2016. You’ll find it here, in my shop. If you haven’t got the new Sieben album(s) now’s the time to get them, too?
Been a real pleasure writing the second 7JK album with Maciek Frett. (A slight change in lineup, as its just Maciek and I now). It was all written ‘remotely’ – most often that Maciek would send me beats, synths and a vibe, from Poland; I’d add strings, occasionally some bass, some voice samples, and my voice. Sometimes lots of violins and voices! Then it’d go back to Maciek for mixing, sometimes with a few times back and forward before getting to this stage. We’re both very happy with the results. Special thanks to Martin Bedford, for the very special artwork, which entirely sums up and adorns the vibe we were after in the music.
Our album release concert should be very special. Its on release day, 3 November, and is on the opening day of the WIF Festival in Wroclaw, Poland. A beautiful synagogue to play in, details here.
Hope you enjoy Ride The Solar Tide. You can hear a track, here, on the 7JK bandcamp. If you’re a download rather than physical you can buy it from there. If you’re a physical rather download, you can buy it from me here, or from Maciek directly.
Enjoy the ride into space!
Matt Howden – Sept 2016