Tag alternative music

Boxset fever…

Well, with LOCKDOWN SIEBEN over I’ve had the chance to take a few days rest… ha ha, of course not! May have been planning the next stage, SIEBEN ONLINE, in fact 😉 It’s time to strip the paper mâché facing…

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2020 IN BRIEF…

2020 IN BRIEF: Album release planned, festivals, tour dates booked. Covid cometh. ALL GONE. Teach online, work out broadcasting.First gig online. Scramble to master the sound, struggle to operate cameras, lights. Rehearse, record, learn songs, teach, sleep, repeat weekly. DIY.…

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Friday’s the day!

Hi all, hope lockdown is treating you all okay. Lots to tell. And Friday really is the day! For me, at least:2020 VISION releases on Friday, exclusively on my Bandcamp – two weeks before official world-wide digital release, when it’ll…

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